Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jesus Deserves First Place

Our universe is filled with billions of galaxies, all created by and for God. Contrary to popular belief, we are not the center of this universe. So if we're not the center of the universe, shouldn't we be putting the One who is above ourselves? Well, who is the center of the universe? Colossians 1:15 says, "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation," meaning Jesus is the One who rules everything created, thus making Him the center. As created beings, our purpose is to glorify our Creator.

To start letting Jesus rule over our lives we need to know that it's not about us, it's about Him. We focus so much on ourselves that most of the time we forget the One who created us. It is said that the average American watches 4 1/2 hours of television every day*, but reads his/her Bible for 52 minutes a week**. It says in Malachi 1:6, "'If I am your Father and Master, where are the honor and respect I deserve?'" We need to remember the One who gave us our luxuries and give Him the time and respect that He deserves.

Another way to start letting Jesus rule over our lives is to know that God doesn't exist to make much of us. We exist to make much of Him. A carpenter doesn't make a beautiful chair just so that he can glorify it. He makes it to bring glory upon himself; to show how awesome his skills are.

Lastly, we must know that our value is not found in what we can do. Our value is found in what He did. Colossians 1:20 says, "and through Him to reconcile all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross." Jesus died on the cross to separate us from our sin, so that we can live for all eternity with Him in heaven. He values us that much!

In the end, we will all stand before God. Romans 14:11 tells us, "'every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.'" When you bow before God, who or what will you tell Him was first place in your life, Him or some rock star who He created? What the rock star gives us is nothing compared to what Jesus gives us. His love for us is unfathomable and that's why He deserves first place.

-Jacob T. Blankenship

*Associated Press, "Average home has more TVs than people." September 21, 2006. Accessed October 27, 2010.

**Barna, "The Bible," data is from 1997. Accessed October 27, 2010.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

seriously? the cookie thing again?

omg! guess what! seriously guess! it has to be something random and if you are skipping reading this part then good for you cause it has nothing to do with anything at all! yeah! it is really cold outside and the the sun is not warming anything up even though it's out aah! Did you notice that i spelled "the" twice in that last sentence?
Did you just go see if I really did? Wow I wish my hands would warm up but they aren't so it makes me sad :( oh well. gah! school is going as good as school can go I guess. My band now has 3 songs! our latest one is called "Neon Glow" it has nothing to do with what the song is actually talking about but that is okay. I think the next song we are going to do is called "To Write Love On Her Arms" but we might change the name of it.
So what have you been doing? I don't really know you (hi, I'm Jacob *reaches out hand to shake*). Do you like rain? Do you like skittles?
Hold Cow on fire in a tornado! Yesterday I was skateboarding to the library to take back some things and there was a rock in the road that I didn't see and my skateboard went right out from under me and I fell. my knuckle is all bloody. stupid rocks! rocks are notorious for tripping up skaters and yesterday was the day that it happened to me...for the upteenth time!
Toy Story 3 comes out November 2nd!!! and I'm excited!! if you can't tell I'm a Toy Story fanatic but not like crazy. You and I should go see a movie! but I don;t know where you live and I don;t think there are any really good movies out right now but how would I know 'cause I do not keep up with the latest movies.
Hallo! Ich Liebe Dich Soviel!!! try translating that! it will be easy 'cause it's German.